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SchließenBibelstelle: Lukas 18:1-8, Lukas 11:5-13
Weitere Predigten von Andreas Repp | Audio herunterladen
Andreas Repp
Lukas 16:1-13
Andreas Repp
Matthäus 25:1-13
On Sunday mornings, we learn together from God’s word. We pray, sing and explore biblical topics, answer questions or look at our confession of faith in order to systematically understand God’s revelation in his word better.
We want to support parents in their responsibility to raise their children. To this end, we offer Sunday school for children from the age of 4 alongside Bible study. We teach biblical truths in an age-appropriate and understandable way.
We gather on the Lord’s Day to worship God in Christ Jesus. We do this through the preaching of the word, singing, prayer and the communion and baptism. We celebrate our service together with as families with their children, young and old. Afterwards, everyone has the opportunity to get to know us better over coffee. You are very welcome.
The women of the congregation meet for a casual get-together to pray, share devotions and exchange experiences in the church premises. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to meeting you.
Once a month, the men meet to consider theological topics, encourage each other in the word of God and equip each other for everyday life.
The meeting takes place in the church. Everyone is welcome.
Book of ACTS 2:42
Scripture alone.
The Bible forms the foundation of our faith and is the only authority on matters of faith.
Christ alone.
Only he can reconcile the sinner with God. Man does not save himself, he gets saved.
Faith alone.
A person is not saved through piety or personal achievement, but through faith alone.
Grace alone.
The believing sinner is accepted by God unconditionally and undeservedly.
God alone the glory.
Since salvation is entirely by God's grace, all the glory belongs to God alone.
Andreas (*1984) lives in Villingen-Schwenningen with his wife Alice and their four children and works as a freelance auditor.
After studying mechanical engineering and working, he moved to London with his family in 2010 and studied theology at the London Theological Seminary.
He is co-founder and pastor of the Evangelical Reformed Church VS and is currently working on his Master of Theology (ThM) at the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (PRTS).
Peter (*1982) completed his theological studies and training in biblical counseling in Switzerland.
He is a co-founder of the Evangelical Reformed Church VS, where he serves as an elder and preacher alongside his professional work in quality management.
He lives in Villingen-Schwenningen with his wife Lilly and their four children.
Paul (*1987) is married to Christina and they have five children together. Paul completed his basic training and additional preacher training at the EBTC. He works as a Senior Solution Consultant in the area of PLM.
He serves as an elder in the Evangelical-Reformed Church VS.
Kieron (* 1979) is married to Gabi. They have a daughter together and live in Villingen-Schwenningen, where he works as a landscape gardener.
He serves as a deacon in the Evangelical-Reformed Church VS.